Liya Camps (USA)

Court Street United Methodist Church

In 2022, Liya Camp USA took place downtown in Lynchburg, VA, at the historic Court Street UMC. It was the first year the camp was held after the pandemic and the first away from the Northern Virginia area. Twenty students came together to learn and grow with two tracks: orchestra and worship. The Friday evening concert took place at CSUMC with great enthusiasm. Many campers participated during worship the following Sunday.

McLean bible church

The last year that MBC hosted Liya Camp was 2019. Students participated in various tracks: a) orchestra, b) worship, c) art, d) songwriting. Every year, the camp culminates in a Friday evening concert. Students extended their study by participating in leading the worship at McLean Bible Church Tyson’s campus.


Private Lessons and Sectionals



At Liya Camp I learned that it is not NOT about how well I sing on stage. This is not a performance. This is an act of worship
— Mia Dovgalyuk (Attended 7 Camps)

Mission Trips

Mission Trips to Ukraine

Many Liya Camp students travel on short term mission trip abroad. Mission trips are a great way to put in practice what students learn at Liya Camp and to serve others. Students are encouraged to be a part of the short term mission trips through McLean Bible Church. More information…



Liya Camps (Eastern Europe)

The first Liya Camp was held in Ukraine in 2001. Since that time Liya Camp has become an annual tradition and over 20,000 students have participated in various camps.


Due to the Pandemic, Liya Camp 2020 was not possible. Liya Camp students joined in the launch of the SALT Movement using their talents.